24/7 supervision of horses by a knowledgeable and caring staff is just one reason to board horses with us.
Here are a few others:
- 41 roomy stalls
- All-weather turnout seven grass field rings and one round pen 5 to 7 days a week
- Heated and air conditioned lounge
- Saturday/Sunday Pot Luck Lunches
- Large tack rooms
- Individual lockers
- Heated wash rack
- Feeding and hay based on horses individual needs
- Grooming
- New, 4 Star trailer – 5 horse, head-to-head with 2 box stalls – air ride for comfort
- Additional trailers for transporting horses to shows and vet appointments
Additional services include:
- Lunging
- Trim
- Training Mane, Body Clip
- Hunter Clip
- Wrapping
- Icing
- Soaking
- Laundry
For a complete price list, contact Cindy.
- Barn Aisle to Outdoor Ring
- Indoor arena
- Barn aisle one
- Lounge
- Outdoor grass ring